Tuesday, 9 January 2007

Progress update

Hey all,

Well, I got a lot done today so far including pretty much all minor and major updates on the current version (v3 cycle) of ESO (Eternal Syndrome Online) as well as posting the first official ESEm@il Newsletter. You can get more info about these updates at the news page or forum news announcements section.

MiMic wise, yesterday I finally got TGB (Torque Game Builder) to read my click objects (in this case, lights) and recognise which one was being clicked! This is important, because this now allows me to begin HL and ACT/D (Highlight and Active/Down) graphics processing via changing of the image map and then playing the animation through a ready-made custom function.

It also allows me start on the staple food game play elements such as...

  • Letting the computer select objects to click and move the cursor those objects
  • Storing the order of those clicks and allow the player to attempt a mimic
  • Checking if any errors are made or if the mimic was accurate and so forth....
When some or all of these things are complete, I'll post here again to update you. Anyway, that's what I'll be doing after I eat something, but by the grace of God, thus far, thus Good! Later!

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