Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Just a quick update...

Wow, well over a year since my last post. I guess for 2009 I'll have to try better at making more regular updates here more often and this is the first attempt.

I've updated the links, cleaned up the place a bit and added a few new gadgets such as my friendfeed on the right which is one of the best ways to keep up with what ES is doing since it auto-updates as I do stuff, like post this very post!

Other then that I'll be posting about the next game on the horizon which is (God / me willing) very soon. In addition to that I'll post some aims for 2009 or something along the line from a game development /business point of view (assuming I remember, I'm sure I will ;))

That's it for now, no pictures, actually, here's a picture from my 2008 game release 'Sleight of Sight' in case you missed it. It's a fun little first effort made in Flash and is free to play online at the new Flash Games Retreat site! Remember, Blink and you'll miss it!

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